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Partnering with the Church & Community to Provide Creative and Flexible Job & Volunteer Opportunities for the People!!
More Info Coming Soon!!
Opportunities for Youth:
In 2007 the unemployment rate for young people in Delaware ages 16 to 19 was 10.9% and rose to an astounding 25% in 2010.*
Opportunities for Adults:
In 2007 overall women earned 80% of that of their male co-workers.*** With the vast majority of single parent homes headed by women, see below...
Opportunities for College Students:
Co-ops and Interships Benefit College Students:
•Employers want to hire graduates with career related work experience.
•Internships and Co-ops help college students to mature socially and professionally,
•​The job search skills that are learned in college will help in the students job search after graduation**
​SPEAK exists to help raise awareness about the critical issues and lingering needs within our communities facing children and youth, women and their families and the poor through the use of technology, multi-media tools, activities, events and programs. The goal is to produce positive change in the lives of those whose voices are not being heard and needs are not being met.
Current SPEAK Opportunities  
High School Volunteer Internships:
If you have skills  or would like to gain experience in the following areas listed below, SPEAK is forming teams to work on its Awareness Initiatives. 
Computer and Social Media, Business, Art, Video Editing and Multi Media, Singing and Music Recording and Acting
Summer Program Internships: Please see info below.
Current Opportunities  
College Volunteer Internships:
If you have skills  or would like to gain experience in the following areas listed below, SPEAK is forming teams to work on its Awareness Initiatives. 
Computer and Social Media, Business, Art, Video Editing and Multi Media, Singing and Music Recording and Acting
Summer Program Internships available for summer 2013
SPEAK Volunteer Opportunities:
Volunteers are key to any nonprofit organization. SPEAK is no exception. Please, consider volunteering 1, 2 or even more hours at SPEAK. Thanks to technology, there are many opportunities to help without even leaving your home.
Volunteer Ministry Internships
Speak for Those Who Cannot Programs, Inc. - SPEAK!
Raising Awareness.. Meeting Critical Needs...
Youth Issue:
Youth Unemployment

The US Department of Labor reported the following in an Economic News Release from August 2011:*The Youth Labor Force is defined as the teen and young adult demographic ages 16 to 24 who are  employed or actively looking for work.
Although the employment rate for 16to 24 year olds increase from 2010 to 2011, there were 4.1 million  still unemployed. 
During the late spring and summer months the youth work force increases. Yet in 2011 the rate of unemployment among youth increased during April and July.

​View the full report Click Here

General/Business Volunteer Internships
Family Issue: 
Female Unemployment

​About 84% of all single parent households are headed by women*. Yet, stats show women make considerably less (about 80% today) than their male peers within the same age group and industry. Despite the statistics  and the enormous challenges they face, many single mothers have beaten the odds and have succeeded in education, careers and family. Today there are many companies that will support struggling mothers (single or married) by providing: Mentors to help them chart a career path; child care or helping to pay for child care; flexible work days that will allow their employees to take classes leading towards a degree; and many other life enriching opportunities. 
If you are someone who is doing something to help a single mom or if you know someone, a church or company that helps women achieve their goals, share the story or send us a link to the organization.

Here's What SPEAK Is Doing To Help:

Here at SPEAK we recognize many of the challenges that youth face from day to day. Therefore, we have strategically structured this organization to be part of the solution. SPEAK is committed to providing volunteer opportunities; Ministry and Business Internships; and Employment to youth. 

See How by Clicking Below 
SPEAK Youth Collaborative Summer Program
City of Wilmington Summer Jobs
Why not sponsor a Day/Week's Pay for: a Part-time job for a Single Mother or a Young Adult or Youth Internship?
Here's What SPEAK Is Doing To Help:
​At SPEAK we feel it is critical for this issue to be addressed by the church and other communities. If each individual, family, church or group reaches out to just one single parent family, many more success stories would be a reality and not a dream.
Super Single Mom Contest
This initiative will offer encouragement to many single mothers by allowing their family members, friends, co-wokers... to share with others what a great job they are doing and give them a chance to win some great prizes.  The SUPER SINGLE MOM CONTEST is one small way we positively impact the lives of local single moms.

SPEAK Family, Employment & Education Resource Center
Through this initiative we will provide housing, education assistance, career development and other resources to local single mothers and others that need assistance.
Click here for more info
Click here to go to the new SPEAK Blog - 
Careers, Internships & Volunteer Opportunities
SPEAK is committed to developing flexible part time job opportunities for: at-risk young adults; single moms; the under-served and seniors.
Are you looking for flexible employment or a 2nd job? 
Consider becoming fundraiser for SPEAK! It is a great opportunity to help SPEAK further it's mission while earning some extra money.
$300 will pay the part-time weekly wages for Single Mom
$250 will pay the part-time weekly wages for a College Student
$200 will pay the part-time weekly wages for a High School Student
Recruit Your Own Sponsors 
Turn One of these Volunteer  Internships into a JOB!

Recruit Your Own Sponsors and Turn One of These Volunteer Internships into a Job!