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Project Care Bags
SPEAK Youth Collaborative (SYC)  -pronounced 'seek'
SYC incorporates volunteer service projects, business internships/ employment, social activities, growth in the knowledge of the Bible. SYC is open to Youth ages 11 to 19 ​Please read, complete and return the SYC Application to SpeakforTWC@aol.com or UthPrograms@Speak4TWC.org
See Flyer, Application and Letters below
SPEAK will:
Raise Awareness through continuous Foster/Adopt Awareness Campaigns about the 400,000 plus babies, children and youth in the United States' Child Welfare System. Locally, there are more than 700 youth in foster care in the state of Delaware. 

Raise awareness about the over 100,000 children and youth that are waiting to be adopted out of foster care each year. 

Raise awareness about the 20,000 plus youth that age out of foster care each year - the number is over 160 in Delaware.

Sponsor and encourage local churches to host Foster Care/Adoption Orientations

Host events like Picnics to bring foster care and adoptive families together. In addition these picnics give an opportunity for potential foster care and adoptive families to meet and talk to many families that have taken the step to build their families.

Sponsor Contests to help raise awareness about the need for more people to get involved orphan care issue.
SPEAK Programs for Youth
If You Like What SPEAK Is Doing, Please Support It by CLICKING HERE To Go To The DONATIONS PAGE
Get Involved:
Delaware has more than 700 youth in foster care. If you would like to make a difference in their lives, host a Foster Care Orientation at your local church. 
-Talk about this critical need to adults in your church.
-Get the names of at least 6 families or individuals who will commit to attending an orientation
-Contact SPEAK at

GET INVOLVED !!! There are more than 420,000 youth in foster care in the United States. Over 100,000 youth are free and waiting to be adopted out of foster care. Thousands of teens age out of foster care each year.

Our Mission: ‘SPEAK exists to help raise awareness about the critical issues and lingering needs within our communities facing children and youth, women and their families and the poor through the use of technology, multi-media tools, activities, events and programs. The goal is to produce positive change in the lives of those whose voices are not being heard and needs are not being met.
Find out more about becoming a Mentor.
Delaware Champ Network
Find out more about becoming a foster parent.

New Jersey

Find out more about adopting youth from foster care.

Adopt Us Kids
Dave Thomas Foundation
Contact us at
Get Involved

Click here to see SPEAK Foster Care Adoption Videos
Speak for Those Who Cannot Programs, Inc.
Raising Awareness.. Meeting Critical Needs...
SYC Application
SYC Flyer
Project SERVE-it
SYC Parent Letter
Project Care Bags
SPEAK Youth Collaborative (SYC)
SPEAK Foster Care & Adoption Awareness Campaign
At-Risk-Youth Initiative
SPEAK Youth are learning to sew as a part of their service project to help other youth by providing backpacks filled with personal care items!
Purchase a large sturdy duffle bag or personal care items to donate and 
contact us.
SPEAK got involved.
Join Us Today!
Project Care Bags is a SPEAK initiative that is headed by Caroline K. a Girl Scout to provide large sturdy duffle bags to youth in foster care as they transition from placement to placement. The SYC helped by making backpacks to be distributed with the duffle bags and personal care items.
Toiletries/Personal Care Items Needed!
Help us make these gifts even more special by donating some of the following items:

Additional items for older youth in foster care who will be aging out and those that have aged out:
See Caroline's new Project Care Bags Website